No BS Critiques: Landing Page Edition

In this video, Sal has picked 2 landing pages that were sent in through the Level Up Facebook group and gives some tips for improving the conversion rates of these landing pages. See what he has to say, and use these tips to level up your own pages.

Page #1

Right out of the gate, there’s an impact image and a call to action that stands out. The special that’s being offered is very clear, and there’s no room for confusion. This is important because you want potential customers to reach out because they’re interested in your business, not with questions about what you’re offering. That will never work and they will never convert to paying customers.

Next, Sal looks at the goal of the page. This business is looking to expand their senior portfolio and looking for teens to do 30 minute mini sessions. What the teens receive in return is clearly spelled out. One small tweak that could be made is to make the text in this section larger. 

All in all, this page was AWESOME. The only other change Sal would like to see is more pictures on the page. The 2 photos that are posted have a very unique style, but it wouldn’t hurt to include more. One way to do this without making the page longer is to add a horizontal carousel users can swipe through to see images. 

Page #2

The second landing page Sal looks at is a Mailchimp landing page, which you can see by looking at the URL. The ideal thing here would be for the URL to match your domain. If it can be changed, great – but if not, it’s not a showstopper.

The call to action here is at the top of the page, but it’s really small and easily overlooked. What’s being offered is also not very clear. What is an exclusive free guide to senior portraits, and why does anyone need it? Because that’s not really clear, it’s not driving anyone to enter their email, and the odds that this page will convert are slim. Sal’s advice is to add a picture of the guide and add bullet points of exactly what’s covered in the guide. This little adjustment will do huge things for your business.

Some of the good things about this page are the form. This person is minimizing the number of fields that a user has to fill out, and users also get the guide immediately. Social sharing is there as well, another important thing to have on your landing page.

Another place this page can be improved is the pictures. The images on your landing page need to be awesome, exciting, attention grabbing, and consistent. The images on this landing page are sending mixed messages; some are fashionable, some are sports, and some are super traditional, like the cap and gown. This screams “trying to be everything to everyone,” which is always a bad thing. Pick your style and go after it. Own your style, pick some of the best photos you have that all fall under the same general category, and fill your page with them.

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