How to get the conversion numbers you're looking for
Here’s what you have to understand when it comes to conversion goals: You could have eight-bazillion followers on Facebook, but it doesn’t matter. If you don’t have a plan set to compile your followers, in one fell swoop, Facebook can take it all away (because they actually own all of your followers). So, at the end of the day, all you have is a bunch of people who like your page, big deal. I don’t want to get into doomsday scenarios, but the bottom line is: You don’t have their emails.
Here is a simple outline on how to get Facebook conversions. Run an ad to get your followers to your page. Once you get them on your page, drive them into your news group and then put them into your leads list. None of this will be beneficial if you don’t collect their email address. It’s all about the email, and once you have that, you can continue to nurture that lead to ensure they stick around. You can also market to that lead because you know they are interested in what you are offering.
Real world example: What I’m trying to explain above is exactly what I did to you to get you to read this post, believe it or not. This is proof that this process works. This is what I live and breathe every single day. At the end of the day, landing pages are crucial to your success.
Everything I am talking about doesn’t matter if you’re not driving people to a landing page. If you think just getting people to your website is enough to grow your business, you’re missing the point. You’re not going to see the conversion you’re looking for. Best case scenario, your conversion rate should be 20%. Meaning, for every 100 people you send to a landing page, 20 of those convert. Now, what they’re converting to is subject to debate. All in all, as far as collecting names goes, adding to your mailing list, etc., you should have a 20-30% conversion rate; easily.
If you follow this process, and really understand what I am trying to get across to you, you will see the results you are looking for.