There’s No I in Partner

Why partner with other businesses?

Partnerships in the business world are important, because ultimately, you can’t do it alone. You’ve got to look for ways to collaborate and build your business together with other people. If you can do this, it will lead to benefits like trading services, cross-promotions, etc.

Who should I partner with?

When we talk about partnerships, your next logical question should be: “Who should I partner with?” That’s fine to ask, but unfortunately I don’t have the answer for you. When it comes to who you should partner with, you’ve got to think about what services you need that a different business could provide you with.

What can we do for each other?

Once you’ve figured out who to partner with, the next thing you need to think about is: “What can we do for each other?” If there’s no way to help one another today, it’s okay to walk away from that opportunity because the truth is, it’s not really an opportunity at that point. It’s got to be a win-win and I know that’s super cliche to say “win-win”, but that has to be your mindset. It should never be one-sided.

Pro Tip:
When I'm partnering with people, I actually put more pressure on them to tell me: "What's in it for you? How are you benefiting from this?"

Making sure both sides of the partnership are benefiting from the relationship becomes very important and if you have that in your heart, at your core, good things will always happen.

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