Closing the Sale
- Tags: Client Experience, In-Person Sales, Sales
- Air Date: August 20, 2020
EVERYTHING you say – and don’t say – matters during sales. Sal covers ways to close the sale, from subtle ways before and during the shoot to asking for money at the sales sessions.
- The different facets to closing the sale: pre-booking, during the shoot, and in the sales session
- The importance of sending pricing two weeks before the sales session
- How Sal primes clients for the sale
- How to present the price list during the sales session
- When to send free session winners pricing
- How does the sales process change with remote/Dual-Vu sales?
- When to review prices during the sales session
- Upselling free/charity winners
- Being confident in yourself and your process
- Being the trusted advisor
- How to ask for the money at the end of a sales session without any awkwardness
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